About usSRLF Nidhi Limited
SRLF Nidhi Limited Incorporated under company , under Nidhi , by the innovative leadership of inspired professional in this revolutionary market trend. A company declared as a Nidhi ( nbfi) under section 406 of the Companies Act,2013 . Nidhi have many features which make them stand distinctly apart from many other Non-Banking financial institutions who are working under the guide line of R.B.I . SRLF Nidhi Limited is one of the leading Nidhi Company. In addition to the transparency, security and range of its gold loan products , SRLF Nidhi Limited distinguishes itself from others primarily on the basis of the ease with which gold loans can be availed from our branches. The only requirement is that borrowers present themselves at our branches with the jewellery and with a valid ID and address proves.